How to reduce stuttering/stammering ?
Stuttering, commonly known as Stammering, is a speech disorder that can make a person repeat, stop, or drag out sounds, syllables, or words when trying to speak.
If you stutter, you might know what you want to say but have trouble saying it. You may feel like the words won’t come out or find yourself saying them over and over. You could also pause on certain sounds.
People of all ages can stutter, but children ages 2 to 6 are most likely to do so. This is called “developmental stuttering,” and there may be more than one reason for it. About 75% of kids grow out of this stutter over time. The other 25 percent have this difficulty even as adults.
Researchers are still trying to figure out what causes developmental stuttering. There could be more than one cause.
Stuttering and the Development of Language
Most people start to stutter between the ages of 2 and 8. During this time, children’s language skills grow very quickly. Many kids who stutter know exactly what they want to say, but their motor pathways aren’t quite ready to get the words out.
As a child‘s sentences get longer and more complicated, their brain has to work harder. This can make it harder to control the muscles that are needed to speak. Stuttering can happen when the brain’s motor pathways can’t keep up with the signals of language.
Young children are more likely to have trouble speaking because they learn language so quickly. Some kids who stutter have other problems as well. These may be problems, like speech and language delays, ADHD, and learning disabilities, can make it hard to get along with peers. Children may be more likely to stutter because of their genes and their environments. Because of this, their speech problems may get worse over time and last into adulthood.
Genes and DNA
Stuttering may run in families and is can be affected by genes. People who stutter are often related to people who stutter. When it comes to stuttering, identical twins with the same genes are more likely to do so than fraternal twins. Men are more likely to stutter than women, and women are less likely to still stutter as adults.
There is a chance that you are more likely to stutter if you have certain genes. Although, Researchers haven’t been able to find a single gene that causes stuttering.
People who stutter have a lot of brain activity.
Even though there is no single cause of stuttering, the most popular theory says that a person’s brain activity can be affected by their genes, how they learn language, and their environment.
People who stutter may have different working parts of the brain that are in charge of language. Imaging studies show that adults who stutter have more activity in the right side of their brains. This is followed by less activity in the parts of the left hemisphere that usually make speech. Some people who stutter have a harder time understanding what they hear and take longer to respond to sensory-motor tasks.
Feelings and the Surrounding
As kids become more aware of their speech problems, negative feelings about speaking may make them more tense. This could make it even harder for them to talk. Some children may feel more nervous and emotional when they speak to others.
Emotional factors are hard to measure, so they can’t be thought of as the main reason why people stutter. Children who stutter may have a harder time thinking when they are upset. This happens at a very important time in the development of language.
Acquired Stuttering
Most people who stutter start when they are young and are learning to talk. Rarely, stuttering is caused by a brain injury or a very bad emotional event. This kind of stuttering is called “learned.” The causes and effects of acquired stuttering are different from those of developmental stuttering.
Stuttering caused by other factors
Stuttering isn’t the only thing that can make it hard to talk smoothly. A certain event, like a stroke or brain injury, can cause stuttering in adults. It leads to slow speech, pauses, or repeating sounds. This kind of stuttering is called neurogenic stuttering.
Psychogenic stuttering is a rare type of stuttering that is caused by emotional trauma, problems in the brain, or problems with reasoning.
Even though you can’t get rid of stuttering completely, there are a few things you can do to make your speech better. Here are some ways to help people who stutter.
How to Stop Being Self-Conscious About Your Stutter
The following strategies could help you overcome your stuttering fear and go forward:
Conquer Your Fear – Step one is to stop being afraid. You can get over your fear of stuttering in a number of ways.
Do not avoid words – Don’t avoid certain words. If you notice that you stutter when you say a certain word, you might try to avoid using that word when talking. The word for this is blocking. When you try to think of a different word, it makes you nervous, which makes you stutter anyway.
Instead of trying to avoid the word, accept it. Try it out by yourself first. If you say that sound or word more often, you might feel more at ease with it.
Some people who stutter find it helpful to write down words that are hard for them to say. Then, when they need to practice, they use this list.
Push Yourself – People who stutter fear public speaking more than anything else. Just the worry can make you stop in your tracks. What you might not realize is that getting out of your comfort zone will make you feel better about yourself.
This is the first step to getting over your fear of speaking in public, which is especially important if you stutter. Sign up for a public speaking class if you’re afraid to take the first step. There, you can find tips that will help you feel better.
Show off what you can do – Try to think less about your stutter and more about what you are good at. The less your stutter will bother you, the more you will believe in yourself. Your anxiety will go down if you feel better about yourself.
Talk about it – Just tell the person you’re talking to that you stutter to get rid of the awkwardness. It doesn’t make sense to hide it if the person is going to find out for themselves. Sometimes making people laugh is the best way to deal with a problem, so don’t be afraid to say something silly to lighten the mood.
Boost your confidence – We’ve already said that your stutter won’t bother you as much if you feel good about yourself. Every day, say a few positive mantras to get yourself in the right frame of mind.
You don’t have to make your mantras hard to understand. It’s fine to just say a few words or a short sentence. The important thing is that it makes you feel better about yourself. Slowly, you will feel better about yourself.
Seek Support – The next thing you can do to feel better about your stuttering is to get help. The following ways can help you get help.
Speak Up – Talk to the people you care about about how you feel. Reaching out to your friends and family to tell them how you feel can be helpful. This will make things easier for you and help them understand what you mean.
Because they know you well, your friends and family are likely to give you advice you wouldn’t get anywhere else. Tell them the truth about what you’re going through.
Find a group to help you – Having people around you who share your fears can be comforting. After all, no one understands your struggle better than someone who has been there.
When you know you’re not alone, you can feel less scared. Find a local support group for people who stutter online, or join an online community instead.
Be Social – Get to know people who stutter. If you have friends who also stutter, you might feel less alone. This is especially good news for kids. There are camps and social groups for people who stutter to meet each other.
Try to Get Help – Lastly, treatment is the best way to ease worries about stuttering.
You can start treatment for your stutter in a number of different ways.
Look for a speech therapist – Your stutter can get much better with speech therapy. They may be able to help you figure out why you stutter and suggest ways to stop. This could make you less likely to stutter in the long run.
Try it out at home – Many people feel more at ease practicing their speech in their own homes. There are ways to learn how to deal with stuttering at home that you can find online. You can also attend Speech therapy online.
Behavioral therapy – Behavioral Therapists can still help people who stutter, even though that’s not what they specialize in. A lot of the time, anxiety and depression can cause people to stutter. A behavior therapist can help you deal with the worries that make your disorder worse.
Make a to do plan
Now that you know some things you can do to help your stuttering disorder, it’s time to make a plan.
Speech therapy has been a very effective way to help both children and adults who stutter. We can make a program just for you.
We will give you speech therapy services that are easy, effective, and safe. Online, you can set up a free consultation right now to learn about a new side of speech therapy.
Is there a treatment? We have been puzzled by these questions for centuries. But we’re getting closer.
There is no “miracle cure” that will make people stop stuttering. But there are a lot of things you or your child can do to feel more in charge and comfortable when talking. At Daffodil Health, we help kids by giving them speech therapy, occupational therapy, behavior therapy, and special education. Through our Home therapy program, we also show parents how to help their child from the comfort of their own home.
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